The backstage

of the Arco Mountain Guide website

Gino and Giampaolo have been mountain guides for over 20 years and they still marvel at how beautiful the mountains are. They fall in love with it every day, as it was the first time.
Shaped by the mountain, they are authentic and genuine people: they have so much to tell, so much to share.

Gino likes to climb and to teach the children: he speaks about harmony and primal instincts. Good and empathetic, he can always find the right words. How he does it nobody knows. Giampaolo is a great talker, has a sensitive eye and walks to the mountains with the camera. Humble and kind, it makes you feel at ease.

With them we climbed, walked, made canyoning and climbed some via ferrata. It’s nice to have fun in the mountains and feel safe, understood and guided. We also spent whole afternoons together around a table to design their website.

Here’s how we wanted to represent them:

  • The colors are fresh and vibrant: the call to action,  adventure and fun.
  • The graphic elements recall, with simplicity, the basic elements of the proposed activities: the water that flows in the canyons, the rope that makes us climb safe, the metal cable of the via ferratas that alternates with stirrups or ladders, the steps of a trekking route, the peaks conquered with mountaineering.
  • The contrast between the fonts Poppins and Work Sans recalls the safety that only a mountain guide can give us.
  • The textes and the photographs are not just action and adventure, they illustrate the bond with the mountain because it is nature that make us better people.

Contents architecture

Saul Saggin & Angela Trawoeger

Concept and graphic project

Saul Saggin & Angela Trawoeger


Angela Trawoeger


Giampaolo Calzà
Angela Trawoeger


Andrea Floriani

Web Design

Saul Saggin


Gift an adventure

This present is for: